Saturday, May 12, 2012

“WALKING” Through The Valley Of The “SHADOW” Of “DEATH”!

By Jovantee R. Blair

05/11/2012, F 

When a “FATHER” & his “YOUNG” son “MOVIED” into their NEW “HOME”, before “ENROLLING” his “YOUNG” son into his “NEW” SCHOOL”, the father’s “YOUNG” son is "AFRAID" of "CATS".

So the “FATHER” “NOTICED” one MORNING that the next door neighbor's "CAT" COMES OUT to the "BUS STOP", to "MEET" "SCHOOL" kids that COME to the "BUS STOP", to "CATCH" the “SCHOOL BUS” to GO to the "SCHOOL" that the father's “YOUNG” son GOES too.  

So one "EVENING", the "FATHER" “SEES” the next door neighbor that "OWNS" the "CAT", & TELLS the next door neighbor that his “YOUNG” son is “AFRAID” of “CATS, & that his “CAT” COMES OUT to the "BUS STOP", to "MEET" "SCHOOL" kids that COME to the "BUS STOP", to "CATCH" the “SCHOOL BUS” to GO to the "SCHOOL" that his “YOUNG” son GOES too, & the “FATHER” “KINDLY” ASKED the next door neighbor that if he, (the neighbor), WOULDN'T MIND "KEEPING" his "CAT" inside his "HOUSE", while his “YOUNG” son is “WAITING” for the “SCHOOL BUS” at the “BUS STOP”, after his, the father’s “YOUNG” son GOES to “SCHOOL”, because of his “YOUNG” son BEING “AFRAID” of “CATS”. 

The next door neighbor says that he WOULDN’T MIND at all “KEEPING” his “CAT” in his “HOUSE”, while the father’s “YOUNG” son is “WAITING” for his “SHOOL BUS” at the “BUS STOP”, & that he’ll MAKE “SURE” to do so TOMORROW “MORNING”, from NOW ON. 

So the “FATHER” says to the next door neighbor, “THANK YOU SIR”, I DO “APPRECIATE” that, & the next door neighbor says, “NO PROBLEM” at all.  

So with the next door neighbor NOW “KEEPING” his “CAT” inside his “HOUSE”, the father’s “YOUNG” son CAN NOW “WALK” “PEACEFULLY” to his "BUS STOP", to "CATCH" the “SCHOOL BUS” to "SCHOOL", WITHOUT HAVING to be “AFRAID” anymore of the next door neighbor’s “CAT”.

Even though the father’s “YOUNG” son CAN NOW “WALK” “PEACEFULLY” to his "BUS STOP", to "CATCH" the “SCHOOL BUS” to "SCHOOL", WITHOUT HAVING to be “AFRAID” anymore of the next door neighbor’s “CAT”, the “YOUNG” son is still “WALKING” IN a “DANGEROUS “ ENVIRONMENT, (the valley of the shadow of death), to his “BUS STOP”, because the next door neighbor’s “CAT” may NOT be COMING OUT anymore, there is still other “DANGERS” “LURKING” AROUND” the father’s “YOUNG” son.

The “MORAL” of this “LITTLE” & “BRIEF” story, on a “SPIRITUAL” aspect, is that, GOD ALREADY “KNEW” beforehand that some of us, as individuals WOULD be “AFRAID” of things, while “GIVING” our “ALL by “WALKING” on his “RIGHTEOUS PATH” TOWARDS him in our individual “LIVES”, so he, (GOD), TOOK “CARE” of all that we are “AFRAID”, & “HANDLED” it for us, so that we, as individuals WOULDN’T “FEAR” those things, because;

“To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.”-Luke 1:79 (KJV),


“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”-Psalms 23:4 (KJV)


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