Thursday, April 10, 2014

I Have A Testimony!

I Have A Testimony!
By Jovantee R. Blair
04/10/2014, Thu

So today, prepared, ready, & headed out to catch the city bus, so I can go to work, I almost missed the city bus, because it was 7:16 am & that’s around the time the bus usually comes down my street. 

As I was heading out the door, & walking down my walkway, I see bus 15, getting ready to pass by my house. 

The first thing in my mind was, well, I missed the bus, so I’m going to have to wait for bus 14, but LORD & BEHOLD, the bus slows down & stops in front of my house. 

As it did that, I jogged to the bus & got on, I thanked the bus driver for doing what he did, & I headed to my seat. 

As I was on the bus headed to my destination, I’m sitting there just thinking to myself, & all I can think about is, GOD looked out for me this morning. 

Even when I should have missed that bus, GOD put it upon the bus driver’s heart to stop for me, because that bus driver knows I’m always at the bus stop to get on his bus. 

GOD looked out for me this morning, when I didn’t expect for him to do that for me, & I’m #HAPPY he did that for me, & he can do the same for you, when you least expect him to. 


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