Wednesday, January 1, 2014


By Jovantee R. Blair
1/1/14, W

The lies are bold, the lies are bold, with the lies being masked as truth, & to the people being sold.

So let the truth, let the truth, let the truth be told, the truth be told, the truth be told.

America, America, the land of the slaves, the land of the slaves & the home of the unfree.

With a corrupted government that are taking our liberties.

The system got people trapped in this captivity, which most people can't see, by keeping most of them distracted, by what's on the PC & TV.

With entities behind the curtains pulling the strings, with making stuff happen, & doing wicked things.

Something wicked this way comes, something wicked this way comes, there's more evil happening in this country & it has already begun.

The God of this world is “#GREED, #OIL, & the mighty #DOLLAR, with the leader of the Earth being the United States of America.

Oh so ugly, for its wicked ties, for its land towards the people that it slained. For its demons running rampant & its wicked principalities, that are running all over the darn place. America, I mean Slavmerica, God didn’t shed his grace on thee. But he frowned his hatred on its Satanic hood, from sea to shining sea.

Misery loves company, & evil is all around you see, with the police killing innocent people, because it’s their new policy.

The New World Order, to the Bilderberg Group, to 911 being an inside job, to the Freemasons, to the Illuminati, to False Flags & terror attacks, everything the world & America does, is just so suspiciously wicked & odd!

With no lawful rules to abide by, with falsehood & continued lies, with tears like children that always cry.

In today’s society, bad is considered good, & good is considered bad, with people calling the Holy Bible, just pure speech hatred, but Isaiah 5:20 says that;

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”

The powers that be are just conniving deceivers, putting peoples’ hope up to high, when they don’t know that to them, they are believing a lie.

Some people acting crazy & running amuck, like chickens with their heads cut off,, but not knowing that with no head, they’re lost.

Don’t be bamboozled by the tricks & the magic that want to continue to enslave you, so fight with all your might; because John 6:63 says that;

“It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.”

So people need to wake up & realize the truth, because the lies are being told, & they are heavily coming through, because the lies are bold, the lies are bold, with the lies being masked as truth, & to the people being sold.

So let the truth, let the truth, let the truth be told, the truth be told, TRUTH BE TOLD.

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