Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Make A Toast

By Jovantee R. Blair
12/31/13, Tue

Make a toast, make a toast to the one above.
Make a toast to the one who created love.
Make a toast to the one who's always true.
Make a toast to the one who created you.
Make a toast to the one who brings the truth.
Make a toast to the one who always come through.

He made everything, every living breathing being.
He gave his begotten son that will eternally keep on shining.
He does what he do, because he knows it will come through.
Out of the darkness he brought the light, not to the left, but he so right.

Make a toast, make a toast to the only one.
Make a toast to him & his only begotten son.
Make a toast to him who sees from high & low.
Make a toast, make a toast to the one you need to know.
Make a toast, make a toast to the Lord & King.
Make a toast, make a toast to the one who will continue living.

All power in his hands, he does what he does because he can.
His magnificent & greatness, his life is just pure endless.
Here from the beginning of time, & still here to the present day.
He’s the potter & we’re the clay, & he’s the life, the truth, & the way.

Make a toast, make a toast to the one who was here before time.
Make a toast, make a toast to the one who is Holy & Divine.
Make a toast, make a toast to the one who does right & never wrong.
Make a toast, make a toast to the one who will eternally live on.
Make a toast, make a toast to the one who sits above & high.
Make a toast, make a toast to the one who cannot lie.

All power belongs to him who sits on his throne in the Kingdom of Heaven.
All mercy comes from him who gives it out amongst the living.
He’s alpha & omega the very beginning & the very ending.
He’s the beginning & the ending, but God will never die, because his life is eternally everlasting.

The Lord of hosts, the Holy Ghost, to the Most High God, make a toast.

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