Sunday, November 25, 2012

My “TESTIMONY”: November 25th, 2012

By Jovantee R. Blair

Today, while I was walking my Toy Poodle Zoe, for her daily walk around my neighborhood, I came across 3 black girls that were standing & sitting on the curve of the street.

As I was walking towards them, then walking pass them, one of the girls that was sitting said "BLATANTLY";


When she said that, I looked back & kept walking, NOT SAYING a “WORD”, but me WANTING to raise up my middle finger & shoot a bird at her, while I was walking away, but I COULDN'T WILL "MYSELF" to do it, so I just kept walking my dog.

As I got towards the end of the block, & was getting ready to cross over to the next block, that same girl that said those word to me, then said/yelled;

"Excuse me, "I'M SORRY"".

As I heard her say that, I was quite "SURPRISED", but COULDN'T "ALLOW" "MYSELF" to say;


So I CONTINUED walking my dog until I got home. While I & my dog were walking back home, in my mind, I was TELLING “MYSELF”, I GOT to go FIND that girl & say to her that:


So, once I made it home, I DECIDED to look for that girl, so that I can tell her, that I "FORGIVE" YOU.

So I rode my bike to the last area in the neighborhood I saw her & looked other places to “FIND” her as well, but COULDN'T FIND her.

Even though the girl "HURT" me, & I kind of felt my eyes beginning to water, I did NOT "CRY", but in my "HEART", I WASN'T "MAD" at her, but "FORGAVE" her while I was walking back home, after she "APOLOGIZED" to me, of what she said.

The “SPIRITUAL” MORAL of this little "TESTIMONY" I DECIDED to "SHARE' with YOU ALL, is that, NEVER;

“Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.”-Romans 12:17 (KJV),


“Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.”-Colossians 3:13 (KJV)

DON’T “ALLOW” “PEOPLE” to get to “YOU”, but “YOU’ CAN;

“Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: Neither give place to the devil.”-Ephesians 4:26-27 (KJV)


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