Sunday, July 23, 2017


There was an elementary school girl in class, & her teacher was speaking about swimming in the ocean. Many kids in the class were saying that they were afraid of swimming in the ocean, because they were afraid of being swallowed up by a fish, then the little elementary school girl said;

Girl: I'm not afraid because I know a man named Jonah, from the Bible who was swalllowed by a big fish.

Then the teacher replied;

Teacher: Oh sweetie, you really believe that? 
Girl: Yes, I do!
Teacher: Well, you can't really believe that?
Girl: Well I do, and when I get to Heaven, I will ask Jesus, if it's true or not. 
Teacher: Well, what if Jonah didn't make to Heaven? 

Then the girl replied;

Girl: Well if Jonah didn't make to Heaven, then you can ask Jonah yourself! 

"For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth."-Matthew 12:40 (KJV)

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