Sunday, December 22, 2013

It Was A Miracle: (Jonathan’s Story)

By Jovantee R. Blair
7/27/06, Th

His name was Jonathan, not Bryan, Ryan, Collin, or Simon, but Jonathan.
He was 17 about to turn 18.

A straight A student, a wonderful son to his parents, a kind family member to his family, and a good friend and person to others, but Jonathan had sickle cell anemia and Jonathan wasn’t going to get any better.

His doctor told him that he only had 3 months of living.

That’s when Jonathan knew his life would be ending.

So one month came and he wasn’t getting better.

Then the second month came and he was getting sicker.

Then the third month came and his life was about to be over.

During those 3 months, he was in and out of the hospital and at home knowing that his life would be gone.

Then during one hour, on that one week, on that one night, and on that one day, his parents knew that his life would be taken away.

His parents, his family members, and his close friends were in his room, by his bed side in the hospital.

For them, they never thought that this would be imaginable.

They were crying and telling him that they would miss him and loved him very much.

Then his parents grabbed his hands for their last touch.

Jonathan said he loved them all but it was time for him to answer God’s call.

Then suddenly, he closed his eyes, stopped breathing and died.
It was a sad time because everyone cried.

Then his doctor came in and told everyone that he was gone, but for everyone, it would be hard for them to move on after Jonathan’s passing, but everybody was still crying.

Then the nurses came in and covered him with a white sheet.

While Jonathan’s doctor sent his condolences to his parents that were crying in their seat.

With a white sheet covering his body, it was time for him to be taken to the morgue for an autopsy.

His mom and dad wanted to follow behind the bed that was rolling their son to the elevator to be with him a little more longer.

Then halfway down the hall and 5 minutes later, Jonathan’s mother saw his toes move.

His mom said “oh my God, please take a look at his toes."
They did, but why, who knows.

Then suddenly, Jonathan said “mom”……“dad!”

Once Jonathan said those two words, the doctor and the
nurses couldn’t believe it, not even one bit.

His parents, his family members, his close friends, the doctor, and the nurses were amazed (but God be the glory and let God be praised).

They were shocked and appalled that this could happen, but thank God that his life wasn’t taken.

His parents started crying and they said “we thought you were dead!”

Jonathan smiled and his parents kissed him on his forehead.

To everyone and including Jonathan, that night was unexplainable.

Then one week later, Jonathan and his parents went to church.

Jonathan stood up in front of his church and told them about how he died and came back to life.

Then in one sentence, he said “it might have been unexplainable, but God be the glory for me and my family and friends, it was a miracle,” (Jonathan’s story).

© COPYRIGHT 2006: All Rights Reserved.

1 comment:

  1. I wrote this back on July 27th, 2006, at the age of 18. When I wrote this poem, I had no idea that #GOD would #ALLOW me to meet & have a #BESTFRIEND & #BROTHER like #Tylone who would have #SickleCellDisease, but would then pass away from that disease on Sunday, March 8th, 2009.

    But the point of this poem is to #UNDERSTAND that no matter what #SICKNESS that you may incur in your body, God is able to #HEAL you, by way of the #MIRACLE he can place upon you, for you to be #HEALED from that sickness that you, or someone you may know have.
