Monday, May 9, 2016


 By Jovantee R. Blair
5/9/16, M

Cut it off, cut it off, cut it off, cut it off, cut it off, cut it off, cut it off!

If it ain't helping you to do what you need to do, messing you up, to keep you going through the bad things you're not even trying to go through.

A non benefactor, messing up your life, causing setbacks, & unnecessary stress & strife.

Stopping you from succeeding from what you're trying to achieve, making you mess up, & failing on your belief.

Distracting you every which way it can, stopping you from being the great man & woman, that God had in store for you from the very beginning.

Ain't meaning you no good, no right path for you to follow, making you scared & confused, & stopping you from being your own leader.

It ain't helping you to be the best, but making you the lowest, making you believe that that you won't come out of this.

False hopes & guarantees that it tries to offer you, but when those hopes & guarantees don't come through, you're just stuck in a state of shock, like glue.

If it's not helping you in anyway, & bettering your days, making you upset & aggravated, & making you dismayed.

So cut it off, cut it off, if it's killing your vibe, cut it off, cut it off, if it's trying to take away your grind, cut it off, cut it off, if it's making you not to be at your full potential, then cut it off, cut it off, when you know it's not beneficial.

If it ain't reliable, dependable, helpful, or beneficial, then there's no more time for you to waste with it, when you can cut it off & be & do better without it.

Be free from its strongholds that it has placed on you, & break away from its chains, so you with it can be fully finished & through, & so you can focus more on your gains.

Making you stumble & fall back to how you use to be, then stop & think to yourself, & remind & tell yourself, that you're way better then that to ever go back.

You know you can do it, but its negative force is so attached to you, that's why you need to cut it off, so it can be done & through.

As long as you allow it to stay, it will be with you all day & everyday, so stop it before it's too late, before it consumes you with all its hate.

If it's making you think wrong & act wrong, & not right, then you better be prepared to cut it off & be prepared to just fight.

If it's keeping you away or slowly taking you away from God & moving you slowly, or even quickly to Satan, then you need to cut it off, before it allows you from God's eyes to be missing.

But you think you can withstand it, but you know you really can't, man, woman, stop being so tough, & know when it's truly enough, to take that thing & just CUT IT OFF!

Matthew 6:13 (KJV): And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil

© COPYRIGHT 2016: All Rights Reserved.


By Jovantee R. Blair
5/9/16, M

People only come around you when they need you or want something, but don't come around you when you ain't got nothing.

Talking like they with you, but don't show you no consideration, when they don't use their ears towards you & don't listen.

Making excuses, & to you just lying, but always having their hands out towards you, begging & wanting something.

Speaking words of love to you, but fail every which way with not showing you love, by the actions towards you that they do.

If they ain't about acting on your come up, then they need to be cut off, because enough is enough.

You helping people left & right, while those people ain't treating you right, but always hiding & seeking, nowhere to be found in your eye sight.

You need to come up, no matter if people are with you or not, because at the end of the day, it's only those very few people, God, & you that you got.

People will show you who they really are by their actions that they show & portray, so observe people before your love on some people go to waste.

Some people use you to benefit them, but can't benefit you, because they're not considering coming to the table towards you with anything, but nothing.

Some people are just in your space, not doing anything to help you out, & not considering your case.

Always there, around you, but towards you, they don't care, & ain't doing anything to help you get through.

To some people, you are convenient, but when you need them or want to chill with them, they be hiding.

With some people you know, it's you against them, because with those people, they see you as some type of competition.

Some people to you, brag of what they got & what they have, but ain't pushing you to achieve the goals that you want to grab.

Don't invest your time in people if they ain't going to invest their time in you, because that'll be a waste of your time that you pushed through.

Don't let your help go wasting, because sometimes you got to stop helping people, for them to learn a hard lesson & to not take you for granted.

Everybody ain't your friend, so know who your friends are, so you won't have to deal with liars.

So from you, out of the way with people they need to be, because they ain't showing you anything beneficial for you to see.

No proof what so ever, but always making guarantees to you, saying what they gonna do, but fall hard, because they ain't trying to make their guarantees to you come true.

So quick to say they will be there, say that they love & care, say that they listen to you, but by their actions & their state of mind, it all become untrue.

But to you, they be having their hand outs, & they don't be giving you a hand in, because they know that your help for people is a weakness.

They don't be considering what you've been through, & the daily struggles you go through, shows you the type of person they show & portray to you.

Some people are like roaches that you can't seem to get rid of, or get away from, because they seem to always come back coming, no matter how much you try to avoid them.

Deceiving & manipulative type of people they are, not knowing who's telling the truth, or just simply a liar.

Some people can't be honest with themselves, so they make up excuses & lies, making people believe their excuses & lies, because they don't want people to know the truth & skeletons in their closets that they are trying to hide.

People not making any sense, because they ain't using their mind, to them that God sent.

Encouragement & motivation that some people hear from other people, but some people would rather stay in depression, & play the sympathy card, to get people for them to feel sorry for.

Hearing you, but not listening, seeing you but not witnessing the words & actions that you speak & show, should affirm to you, that some people in your life need to bye, bye, bye & get up & go.

Some people call you their friend, but you can't call them a friend, because they're being so unfriendly to you, should make you believe that they're friendship towards you is untrue.

So don't be so quick to ball with people, but to observe their speech & behavior, by listening & witnessing the words & actions they portray while they are around you & while you are around them, to know if they deserve you as a friend.

Some people don't need to be titled, & to have no title given to them, because by their wrong actions towards you, they don't deserve you, & they are just Untitled!

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